Goal Seeking Animal

“Man is a goal seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals.” – Aristotle I love this quote and it’s definitely one that rings true (for me at least)… turns out Aristotle was a pretty smart guy!  Cool story bro: I actually used this quote for…

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Weight Loss, and Six Packs, and Mario… Oh My!

This blog post includes updates on my completed weight loss bet, my new six pack bet, school (check out the Mario project!), and poker. Comments are always more than welcome! Fitness Bets Update: If you read my previous blog entry (February) then you know that I had two 3-month weight loss bets with some friends….

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New Tools, Old Methods

It’s the start of December meaning it’s time for a monthly blog update! I apologize for the length. As a token of my appreciation, I’ve included more pics than usual. Cash Games: I played a little less than 10k hands this month (mostly trying to clear a bonus I describe later in the blog). I’m…

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Barack and Roll!

Again, click here for a link to my old poker blog posts (hosted by Cardrunners). Edit: I’ve discovered some leaks in my blog-writing: overuse of bullets overuse of parentheses (I attribute this to my non-diagnosed ADD and constant asides/side-notes) Cash Games: I didn’t play too much poker this month. I’ve been just taking it easy….

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One Year Recap!

[BEWARE! VERY LONG BLOG ENTRY] So, I’ve decided to try out poker-blogging at this Blogger site. My old poker blogs can be found at http://www.cardrunners.com/members/index.php?option=com_mamblog&Itemid=29&task=show&action=user&id=15395 . I might make this the permanent location, update both, or switch back to Cardrunners. We’ll see. I apologize for not blogging for a while (my last post was on…

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